Nigeria ex-president’s house ‘systematically looted’ by three police on guard

Former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, lost properties running into millions of naira when his residence in the administrative capital, Abuja, was burgled over a period of time.

The Premium Times news portal in an exclusive report said three police officers detailed to guard the premises had ‘conducted a systematic looting over a period of three months beginning from around March 2016.’

The ex-President’s spokesperson is said to have confirmed the incident adding that the said officers had been arrested. The implicated men are said to be two sergeants and an inspector.

They are said to have stripped the house bare over the period and were selling these items – some of which were customized materials – to traders in a popular second-hand market at Abuja.

Mr. Jonathan who is said to have visited the property after the looting according to the report, spoke directly with the Inspector General of Police with respect to the matter.

The 59-year-old former governor of Bayelsa State, is said to have occupied the house in his capacity as Vice-President for about a year. He moved to Aso Rock – the seat of government – as Acting President following the death of his boss, Umaru Musah Yar’Adua in 2010.

He won a substantive term after seeing out Yar’Adua’s tenure. He beat Muhammadu Buhari in polls held in 2011. But lost a second term bid to Buhari in 2015. His government came under flak for rising Boko Haram attacks and issues of widespread corruption.



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