Hollywood actor on revenge, joins troops to fight ISIS

Hollywood actor Michael Enright has joined troops digging against ISIS in Syria city of Raqqa to avenge terror attack on Manchester.

Enright from Moss Side is reported to be fighting ISIS to avenge the attack in his hometown.

The 52-year-old Enright starred alongside Johnny Depp in the blockbuster film Pirates of the Caribbean.

He is now embedded with troops from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who are closing in on Isil jihadists in the group’s so-called capital.

The SDF is dominated by the Kurdish YPG militia, which Mr Enright joined in 2015, MSN reports.

“I will remember Manchester Arena and the two attacks in London on Westminster Bridge and at Borough Market,” he said.

“The attack in Manchester especially brought a lot of emotions. I’m used to a lot of death, and terrorist attacks, but this was different, it’s my home town,” he said, referring to the suicide bomb attack that killed 23 concert-goers at Manchester Arena in May.

“I’ll give ISIS no quarter. I won’t expect much mercy from them and I will not give them much mercy, that I can promise you,” he said. He said it was difficult to hear the news from his home country, but it has strengthened his resolve.

“It might be a bit strange but when I heard about the attack on London Bridge I thought, ‘I wish I’d been there’.

“I’d have grabbed the nearest knife. I don’t know which way it would have gone but at least I could have gone for them.

“It just absolutely hardened my heart. Every single day now when there’s an operation here in Syria against ISIS I’m the first to put my hand up to volunteer.”

He is one of many other foreign fighters who have travelled to the self-styled Kurdish enclave of Rojava to join the fight.

Most have a military background. Many have been recruited via Facebook, and some have funded their airfare on crowdfunding websites.

The SDF has made major ground in recent weeks, managing to reach the Old City’s 1,300-year-old walls. Isil seized Raqqa, their first major city stronghold in Syria, in January 2014.

Reports that on 22nd May 2017, 22-year-old British Muslim Salman Ramadan Abedi detonated a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb at the exit of Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, following a concert by American singer Ariana Grande.

Twenty-three adults and children were killed, including Abedi, and 250 were injured, 59 taken to hospital, and 23 classified as critically injured.

After initial suspicions of a terrorist network, police later said they believed Abedi had largely acted alone.

Read more: MSN

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