Boko Haram member gets 60 years jail term

The Federal High Court sitting in Wawa, Niger State has sentenced a 22-year-old Boko Haram member, Abba Umar, to sixty years in prison.

The court found Umar guilty of four terrorism-related charges, including membership of the proscribed Boko Haram sect, which earned Umar 15 years imprisonment.

He is also to serve 30 years for attempting to commit an act of terrorism and another 60 years in prison on count three for committing an act of terrorism on Bama community, Gwoza, and military barracks in Borno, where people were killed and arms and ammunition carted away.

Umar would also serve another 15 years in prison for receiving terrorism training, an offence punishable under section 7 of the Terrorism (Prevention) Act of 2013, and five years for failing to disclose information on Abubakar Shekau.

All sentences are to run concurrently.

The court further ordered the prison authorities to ensure that the convict was given serious de-radicalisation of his belief.

During cross-examination, the convict did not show remorse as he claimed to recognise only Shekau as the leader and not the present government in the country.

This, however, forced the prosecutor to demand a maximum punishment of death for the convict, which the defence counsel did not object to.

But the judge held that the court cannot shut its door of mercy and, therefore, cannot implement the maximum punishment.

The convict was arrested on May 27, 2014, while attempting to bomb Gombe Pilot Secondary School where the remote control of the bombs failed to function.

He was said to have been lured into the sect by his elder brother Ahmadu Umar.

He had also confessed to being a commander in the terrorist group and has about 100 subordinates under him.

Meanwhile, Director of Amnesty International Nigeria, Mr. Osai Ojigho , has appealed to the Federal Government to ensure that the trial of Boko Haram suspects was in line with international standards

“The Nigerian authorities must do everything at their disposal to ensure that international standards for fair trials are met and that those suspected of crimes face justice.

“A fair hearing can only be guaranteed if the defendants are provided with access to lawyers and, where necessary, interpreters.’’

Source: Channels

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