When An Ogborigbo Visited My Household

By Sunny Awhefeada,   When I was planning what my residence would look like, I explained to the architect that I would want a number of small gardens and then a grove behind the house. I had envisaged a mini-forest behind my house where I could retreat from the buffetings of life without having to wander far. So upon completion of the house eleven years ago, I set to planting fruit trees that have now grown and turned a portion of my residence into a grove. Besides providing shelter and…

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BY ANDREW DARAH,     December is the 12th month and last month in our modern-day Gregorian calendar (as it was in the preceding Julian calendar. However, it was originally the 10th month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC. Hence, “December” comes from the Latin word decem, meaning “ten.” Back in Roman times, the calendar only had ten months and began with March! The winter period was not even assigned months because it was not an active time for military, agriculture, or civil life. The month of December originally…

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